Other Devices


Other Devices

Important note:

The modification in control units is under sole responsibility of the person using these electronic tools, which utilisation takes place exclusively on his own risk.

It is possible that the operating license expires on a vehicle with switched-off immobiliser. This applies as to the German Road Traffic Licensing Regulation (StvZO)...

Important note:

The modification in control units is under sole responsibility of the person using these electronic tools, which utilisation takes place exclusively on his own risk.

It is possible that the operating license expires on a vehicle with switched-off immobiliser. This applies as to the German Road Traffic Licensing Regulation (StvZO) especially for vehicles after 10.1994. In addition the car insurance has to be informed of the immobiliser deactivation. Locksmith CZ excludes all liability for abuse!


Other Devices  There are 5 products.

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